
Why Is Piles/Hemorrhoids So Common In India?

Everybody has piles as they are the normal occurrence as part of our body structure and yes they are important as such they are integral part of the body mechanism which maintains stool and gas control. Only when they start growing and producing symptoms are they needed to be treated, else everything is perfectly fine! So it means that even if you have symptomatic piles, there is nothing to be ashamed of! Piles are found in everybody and everyone has them naturally!!! Only difference is that yours have overgrown and hence start producing symptoms. Now let us look at why do they start overgrowing? Straining : Applying force to pass out stools is the leading cause of making them overgrow. The most common reason why we tend to apply force to clean ourselves out is simple – the stool isn’t coming out smoothly enough. The reasons for these are multifold but the good part is that all are correctable. Most of them are dependent on what and how we drink and eat. The most common reaso...